Tuesday, May 22, 2012

10 Benefits and Functions of Turmeric for Skin Health

10 Benefits and Functions of Turmeric for Skin Health

Stress, pollution, and poor eating habits, has a bad influence for the health of your skin or face, as a result of acne, blemishes, aging skin also jerjadi. To handle this we often use kencantikan commercial products, or excessive makeup to hide blemishes on the skin. But the beauty products only provide beauty to the outside only and temporary. To get your skin naturally beautiful, we can use natural ingredients as our skin care. One of these natural ingredients are turmeric, turmeric was very useful for skin health, and not only as a spice in cooking only, the following kunyi benefits for the skin.
1. Acne: Acne is a common problem often encountered. Bacteria and dirt that clog the pores of the skin, and finally become acne. Turmeric helps heal acne and help keep the skin is kept clean. Turmeric also controls the production of sebum.

2. Pigmentation: hormonal changes, prolonged exposure to sun exposure, and the production of too much melanin, are some reasons that cause pigmentation of the skin. The use of turmeric is consistently can help reduce pigmentation.

3. Bruising: Children are more susceptible to bruising and minor cuts. The use of turmeric powder in minor injuries to accelerate the wound healing process.

4. Clear Skin: The use of turmeric on a regular basis can lighten skin color, and create a glowing face.

5. The burn scars: Turmeric also helps in the healing of burns. Regular usage will mungurangi scorch you.

6. Stretch Marks or strokes: Stretch marks, of course interfere with performance, especially in young mothers. The application of fresh turmeric will help alleviate stretch marks stretch marks to some extent.

7. Moisturize: Turmeric is an excellent material to overcome the dry skin. A mixture of turmeric with milk to moisturize dry skin.

8. little fur skin: a light massage of turmeric mixed with milk cream to the skin to help reduce hair on the skin.

9. Skin disease: Use of turmeric on a regular basis, then it can help fight serious skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, red rashes on the skin, and signs due to chicken pox.

10. Aging skin: Turmeric helps delay skin aging, antioxidants in turmeric plays an important role in addressing aging skin.
How to Use Turmeric for skin health
There are many methods of use of turmeric to the skin. First, you can mix turmeric with milk. The trick, add a teaspoon of sugar and saffron in hot milk, stir, then drink. Drink every day.

For its use on the skin, you can make a paste of turmeric and let stand for 10 minutes on your face. Rub your face gently and rinse with water. Then you will get the skin supple and soft. For dry skin, use the same procedure, but mix the saffron with the milk moisturizer. To get rid of sun burns, use the same procedure. Fresh cuts and bruises on the use of turmeric powder dry for faster healing

Monday, May 21, 2012

8 Baby Skin Care Tips

8 Baby Skin Care Tips

Parents naturally want to have a baby with a healthy and clean skin, but the baby's skin is very sensitive, so the baby's skin needs more attention and care. Baby's skin soft and smooth, this is due to melanin production is still low in infants, therefore, you must be careful when using a lotion or cream on the skin baby soft.

Baby skin care begins to bathe the baby and keep them clean, especially in the skin that are often used diapers. You also should not be any in caring for the baby's skin, by the following are some tips for baby skin care, as quoted from buzzel.com.

1. Do not use any products for babies, be it powder, lotion, soap, shampoo or skin moisturizer, use a product that is devoted to baby's skin soft and sensitive. Use products that the chemical is low, or use natural products.

2. Newborns do not need to be bathed every day. Use a sponge to bathe your baby, and use a soft cloth for wiping and drying. Too much soap can dry your baby's skin.

3. When finished bathing your baby, use a soft cloth and clean the skin folds carefully. Especially on the neck, behind the ears, the diaper area, etc.. You can use a little moisturizer when the skin is too dry.

4. You must be careful in using the brand of diaper is different, you must mempehatikan certain brands of diapers that causes a rash on your baby. When you clean your baby's bottom, do not rub the rough. The area around the buttocks do need special attention, because if not, there can be an infection or rash around the area. Use warm water along with a good cleaning product to clean baby's bottom. You can also use the powder to help. Do not use alcohol based baby wipes Always, because it can cause irritation to the skin.

5. Baby's skin should be treated with caution. You should be aware that sudden changes in weather can cause further skin irritation. Therefore, always protect your baby's skin from the sun is too bright and strong winds. Use a cover to protect the baby while you're traveling.

6. If your baby's skin is itchy at night, you can use a cloth wet with cold water and pat on the itchy areas of skin, skin moisturizer and use moderation in the area.

7. If you have any clothes on your baby, make sure that the clothing is loose. This is important, for better air circulation and prevent your baby from sweating. Clothes that are tight will make your baby uncomfortable. When the nights are too hot, use a soft and thin clothing on the baby.

8. Keep your bedding in a clean condition. Your baby may be allergic to dust mites and also can lead to rashes and irritation, therefore, use pillows, blankets and bed sheets are clean.

Choosing Skin Care Products Skin Type Match

Choosing Skin Care Products Skin Type Match

The various types of skin care products on the market today often confuse us in choosing the product that suits your skin type.
Although skin type designation listed on product labels that sometimes we are still wondering about the compatibility with our skin type.

Here I will give you tips for choosing skin care products by skin type

Oily Skin Types
Easy on the oily skin acne. This is due to excessive oil production in the face to make the dust easier to stick to the skin so that it becomes a nest of bacteria that cause acne. For the owners of this type of skin should avoid using skin care products containing or made from cream. Skin type is mostly found in adolescents who have a myriad of activities.
To choose a moisturizer that type of product or a fluid matte (luster free). This type of product does not contain cream base ingredients so that after use will be quickly absorbed in the skin.
For cleaning, use a type face wash or soap containing a foaming gel / foam. These types of products contain alkaline compounds that can dissolve the oil so it can clean up oil deposits in the face after a day of activities. And continue with the use of toner to give freshness to the skin.
To use a facial scrub extra two days to remove traces of dead skin and dirt that clog pores. Use anti-blemish products to prevent acne.

Skin types Dry / Sensitive
Owners of dry skin types / sensitive should be aware of the various causes of irritation due to an error choosing skin care products. Lack of moisture in the skin and cause skin easily irritated and look dull. Besides the signs of aging more quickly appear on this skin type. For that type of skin should use products that can hydrate the skin or cream based. Usually there are many types of skin in people who are aged over 30 years of age or with age.
For a moisturizer, choose products that type of cream because of the material is essentially locked and keep the skin moist.
For cleaners, choose a cleansing milk, because this type of product can lift or the rest of makeup without irritating skin. Continue cleaning by using a toner to give freshness to the skin and helps shrink pores.
For extra care, because the signs of aging more quickly visible in dry skin, use skin care products anti-aging as soon as possible, especially for the eye area. Peeling may use the product, but choose a gentle peeling to remove dead skin and brighten the rest of the skin. Do this once a week just because you certainly do not want your skin is getting irritated by excessive cleaning instead.

Normal skin types
This skin type is between the above two types of skin, characterized by an oily T region, but the cheeks and the surrounding areas tend to be dry. This skin type can use any kind of skin care products that have been mentioned above. It's just the use of these products must take turns depending on season, climate and lifestyle. For example, if you live in places with high humidity, you tend to perspire easily. So use products for oily skin to prevent acne and excess oil buildup on the face. If you are in air-conditioned environment, the skin tends to dry so it is better to use skin care products for dry skin to prevent irritation.
Given this information, hopefully you can choose a skin care product that suits your skin type and obtain optimum benefits.

Sensitive Skin Care Tips

Sensitive Skin Care Tips

Skin Care. You belong with sensitive skin? Do not rush sad or anxious, because whatever the Creator has given it is appropriate that we are thankful. Sensitive skin is different when compared with normal skin, especially in terms of skin care.
Required a more intensive skin care and painstaking, so avoid the symptoms or effects can be felt as skin flushing, itching, burning skin and even get to peel (irritant), giving rise to the pain when exposed to the touch.
Indeed, if you have sensitive skin, it would require extra care to get the skin is always healthy skin and you can still look beautiful. How do I?
First, you have to recognize any factors that could affect sensitive skin, causing symptoms such as those mentioned above. Is it because of the weather, certain foods or cosmetics, or other factors outside it, such as stress, for example?
Secondly, once you identify the causes, then the next step is you have to avoid things that can make your sensitive skin becomes irritated. What are they? Listen on this article.
For sensitive skin care, there are several components of the products to be avoided are:

1. Perfume
Cosmetic product is most popular, especially women. But did you know that delights the nose is not necessarily good for our skin? Apparently, the number one cause of cosmetic allergy is perfume! Rock On ...! Skin allergy can be generated from the smell of perfume like the scent of citrus, flowers or mint are common ingredients in beauty products or household cleaners. So, for sensitive skin care you should use beauty products or household cleaners that do not contain perfume.

2. Chemical Substances in Body Care
One way is to clean facial skin care. You know, it in soap or facial cleanser products are substances called surfactants (sodium lauryl sulfate) that can be bad for sensitive skin. It serves as an emulsifying agent found in harsh soaps and body cleansers. It also serves to clean the dirt from the skin, but can damage the skin by damaging lipid that serves as the glue that unites the skin cells and keep the skin from dryness and damage. If you have sensitive skin, so skin care for face, especially should avoid use of products containing substances that can damage skin cells, so that you avoid skin irritation.

3. The Chemical Make Up
Make up is necessary, especially for women to maintain the appearance and confidence. But beside that, for those who have sensitive skin should be careful in using makeup products. In general, many makeup products contain chemicals and preservatives, which can cause allergies or irritation of the skin especially the face. Sensitive skin prone to irritation and acne, especially on the face. To make up facial for sensitive skin, you should avoid products that contain chemicals and preservatives.
So, for the treatment of sensitive skin, use products that contain fewer chemicals and preservatives to keep your skin so you stay healthy, smooth and free of acne and wash face with warm water and soft soap