Tuesday, May 22, 2012

10 Benefits and Functions of Turmeric for Skin Health

10 Benefits and Functions of Turmeric for Skin Health

Stress, pollution, and poor eating habits, has a bad influence for the health of your skin or face, as a result of acne, blemishes, aging skin also jerjadi. To handle this we often use kencantikan commercial products, or excessive makeup to hide blemishes on the skin. But the beauty products only provide beauty to the outside only and temporary. To get your skin naturally beautiful, we can use natural ingredients as our skin care. One of these natural ingredients are turmeric, turmeric was very useful for skin health, and not only as a spice in cooking only, the following kunyi benefits for the skin.
1. Acne: Acne is a common problem often encountered. Bacteria and dirt that clog the pores of the skin, and finally become acne. Turmeric helps heal acne and help keep the skin is kept clean. Turmeric also controls the production of sebum.

2. Pigmentation: hormonal changes, prolonged exposure to sun exposure, and the production of too much melanin, are some reasons that cause pigmentation of the skin. The use of turmeric is consistently can help reduce pigmentation.

3. Bruising: Children are more susceptible to bruising and minor cuts. The use of turmeric powder in minor injuries to accelerate the wound healing process.

4. Clear Skin: The use of turmeric on a regular basis can lighten skin color, and create a glowing face.

5. The burn scars: Turmeric also helps in the healing of burns. Regular usage will mungurangi scorch you.

6. Stretch Marks or strokes: Stretch marks, of course interfere with performance, especially in young mothers. The application of fresh turmeric will help alleviate stretch marks stretch marks to some extent.

7. Moisturize: Turmeric is an excellent material to overcome the dry skin. A mixture of turmeric with milk to moisturize dry skin.

8. little fur skin: a light massage of turmeric mixed with milk cream to the skin to help reduce hair on the skin.

9. Skin disease: Use of turmeric on a regular basis, then it can help fight serious skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, red rashes on the skin, and signs due to chicken pox.

10. Aging skin: Turmeric helps delay skin aging, antioxidants in turmeric plays an important role in addressing aging skin.
How to Use Turmeric for skin health
There are many methods of use of turmeric to the skin. First, you can mix turmeric with milk. The trick, add a teaspoon of sugar and saffron in hot milk, stir, then drink. Drink every day.

For its use on the skin, you can make a paste of turmeric and let stand for 10 minutes on your face. Rub your face gently and rinse with water. Then you will get the skin supple and soft. For dry skin, use the same procedure, but mix the saffron with the milk moisturizer. To get rid of sun burns, use the same procedure. Fresh cuts and bruises on the use of turmeric powder dry for faster healing

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