Monday, May 21, 2012

Sensitive Skin Care Tips

Sensitive Skin Care Tips

Skin Care. You belong with sensitive skin? Do not rush sad or anxious, because whatever the Creator has given it is appropriate that we are thankful. Sensitive skin is different when compared with normal skin, especially in terms of skin care.
Required a more intensive skin care and painstaking, so avoid the symptoms or effects can be felt as skin flushing, itching, burning skin and even get to peel (irritant), giving rise to the pain when exposed to the touch.
Indeed, if you have sensitive skin, it would require extra care to get the skin is always healthy skin and you can still look beautiful. How do I?
First, you have to recognize any factors that could affect sensitive skin, causing symptoms such as those mentioned above. Is it because of the weather, certain foods or cosmetics, or other factors outside it, such as stress, for example?
Secondly, once you identify the causes, then the next step is you have to avoid things that can make your sensitive skin becomes irritated. What are they? Listen on this article.
For sensitive skin care, there are several components of the products to be avoided are:

1. Perfume
Cosmetic product is most popular, especially women. But did you know that delights the nose is not necessarily good for our skin? Apparently, the number one cause of cosmetic allergy is perfume! Rock On ...! Skin allergy can be generated from the smell of perfume like the scent of citrus, flowers or mint are common ingredients in beauty products or household cleaners. So, for sensitive skin care you should use beauty products or household cleaners that do not contain perfume.

2. Chemical Substances in Body Care
One way is to clean facial skin care. You know, it in soap or facial cleanser products are substances called surfactants (sodium lauryl sulfate) that can be bad for sensitive skin. It serves as an emulsifying agent found in harsh soaps and body cleansers. It also serves to clean the dirt from the skin, but can damage the skin by damaging lipid that serves as the glue that unites the skin cells and keep the skin from dryness and damage. If you have sensitive skin, so skin care for face, especially should avoid use of products containing substances that can damage skin cells, so that you avoid skin irritation.

3. The Chemical Make Up
Make up is necessary, especially for women to maintain the appearance and confidence. But beside that, for those who have sensitive skin should be careful in using makeup products. In general, many makeup products contain chemicals and preservatives, which can cause allergies or irritation of the skin especially the face. Sensitive skin prone to irritation and acne, especially on the face. To make up facial for sensitive skin, you should avoid products that contain chemicals and preservatives.
So, for the treatment of sensitive skin, use products that contain fewer chemicals and preservatives to keep your skin so you stay healthy, smooth and free of acne and wash face with warm water and soft soap

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